Wisdom Tooth Removal

Surgical removal of wisdom tooth
Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last permanent teeth to appear (erupt) in the mouth. These teeth usually appear after 17 years of age. When wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to erupt into the mouth or develop normally they are called Impacted wisdom teeth which may erupt partially or not at all and may sometimes cause pain.
The wisdom teeth removal commonly involves an incision to open the gum, and sometimes a small portion of the bone may need to be removed to provide access for the wisdom teeth removal. The wisdom teeth may also need to be divided into segments so it can be removed safely and easily. Oral surgeons at Dentista are masters in wisdom teeth extractions and are experienced for these surgical procedures.
An impacted wisdom tooth may:
- Grow at an angle toward the next tooth (second molar) or toward the back of the mouth.
- Grow at a right angle to the other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth is “lying down” within the jawbone
- Grow straight up or down like other teeth but stay trapped within the jawbone
Problems with impacted wisdom teeth
- Pain
- Trapping food and debris behind the wisdom tooth
- Infection or gum disease (periodontal disease)
- Tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth
- Damage to a nearby tooth or surrounding bone
- Development of a fluid-filled sac (cyst) around the wisdom tooth
- Complications with orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth